Submit a Roster
Submit a Roster
The process of submitting a roster for Last Minute Training instructors is simple, but may be a different experience for instructors that are used to working directly with the main Training Center. Please follow the instructions below carefully and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or issues.
complete a training roster
Last Minute Training utilizes the AHA's Training Roster when recording teaching activity. A copy of the roster can be found in the [Shared Drive] for each instructor discipline. It is important to note that each course type has its own course roster that is specific to that course. For example, Heartsaver Courses are recorded on a Heartsaver course roster while BLS Courses are recorded on a BLS course roster. Below is an example of a completed course roster that is ready to be submitted.
The front of the roster contains general class and insturctor information. While entering information, please remember the following:
Be careful when selecting the course type since it will determine the eCards that are submitted into your Atlas account after review.
If you taught for a K-12 school, be sure to check the Heartsaver for K-12 Schools checkbox on the Heartsaver roster.
The second page of the course roster contains student information. When filling out the second page, please remember the following:
A physical mailing address is not needed when issuing eCards. To help protect the personal information of students, do not have them add their address.
If a student adds their cell phone number and it is included when sending eCards out to students, that student can claim their eCard by texting "eCard" without quotes to 51736.
Submit the completed roster
Make a scanned copy of the course roster and any supporting documentation using a phone app or a traditional scanner (.pdf file format is preferred). For supporting documentation, skills sheets and test answer-sheets are only needed for students that failed the course or needed remediation. In short, if everyone passed, only the course roster is needed. If the .Xls upload template is being used, attach a copy of the template with the course roster.
Name the file with the following format:
[Last Name][Course Type][MMDDYYYY Date]. For example:
"Smith BLS 02122022.pdf"eMail the scanned copy of the course roster and supporting documentation to . When the submission is approved, blank eCards will be issued to your Atlas account and an email with instructions on how to send eCards to students will be issued.
Pay for your eCards by clicking the [Online Store] button below. This will forward you to our shop where eCards can be purchased. Monthly invoicing is available for organizations upon request. Our online store contains the most recent pricing information.
Send eCards to students by following the instructions in the email from the previous step.
Store your Hard Copies in a safe place. According to the AHA's Program Administration Manual, rosters must be stored for a period of 3 years.
You're all done! We will process your order as quickly as possible. Please remember that in some cases, there may be a delay to issuing eCards based on paperwork errors or local eCard inventories. Historically orders are processed in less than 24 hours. Please [Contact Us] if you have any questions or concerns.